Thursday, June 5, 2008

Stepping Out Of The Boat Again...In Faith

Wow, I've been away from my blog since February..."amazing" grace has kept me going! I feel as if I've been going full blast much so, that I haven't had 10 min. to sit down and post one thought--but now, ah...Summer's here and things tend to slow down for me "in the good old hot (Florida) summertime", which I welcome. Summer is usually a time when I get to paint, paint, and paint--which is what I love to do. Just me & the HS (plus my little pekingese Wilhelmina...who will be 15 yrs. old in Nov. and is "going strong"). That's just the way I like it...painting, with what I love around me (this includes family, of course).

"Little Miss Willie resting her head on a book"

I've had so much going on...PLUS, as a friend of mine says "in my spare time" I'm studying for my Masters Degree in Theology, and I'm learning SO MUCH...right now one of my classes is the Old Testament (part 1)-Wow! I'll never look at scripture the same...everyday new revelations! I feel my relationship with "God the Creator" is getting more and more's a different relationship than I've ever had with Him. In the awesomeness of who he is....that "little micro spec of a micro spec of dust" that's been revealed to just overwhelming! So, yes, I am truly enjoying my studies...I feel like I'm being fed (I am..."spiritual food")! So, God willing, I'll have my Masters completed by end of next Summer. The "rest is history" cause God already knows the plans He has for me...I don't, but I'm excited!

Oh, and last night the Lord revealed to me the "artist interpretation" for the painting I'm working on right now. As I've been painting this picture I've been thinking, "Wonder what the Lord's wanting to say through this piece...there's not a lot of symbols or hidden little statements in it (like most of my Revelation Art
). Hmm, it will be interesting when He reveals it to me." And that happened last night, wow--what a simple but powerful message! I'm excited to get the painting finished, have giclees/prints available--share it with everyone, glory!

Keep me in your prayers...I have midterms this week :)

So, I'm back to blogging "here and there"...I have a lot more catching up to do, so I'll get back ASAP.

God bless you,


Monday, February 4, 2008

Commissioned art--yes I do "sometimes"...ask me!

Well it’s been a good week. Some people think I don't accept commissions, that all I paint are my revelation art...well it is 90% of what I paint.

However, I do accept commission work, matter of fact some of my commissioned pieces are posted on my web site. Of course my revelation art comes first but every now and then I squeeze in a painting commissioned by someone wanting a portrait, home, pet or not too long ago: a personal vision they received during their worship time…interesting.

I few days ago I started painting a commissioned piece…a sweet young man is buying it for his “sweetheart” for Valentines Day. It’s not my usual “revelation art”, instead it’s a beautiful old historic home in Dunnellon FL. It goes along with the art I use to do—before my wildlife paintings—old homes & buildings w/ character.

Anyway, I’m enjoying painting it and happy to do it!
I’ll try to remember to take a picture and post it when I’m finished--
before February 14…sweet!

Talk with you next week.

Lorna :)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Sunday's Post on Monday

Well it's been a pretty busy couple of weeks...presentation last weekend and a two-day exhibit this past weekend! I would call that "blessed busy" :)

I've been exhibiting at theEpiscopal Diocese of Central Florida Annual Convention for a number of years, and it just gets better every year. Seems with each year I know more & more people, it's always good to see them, and share my paintings: Revelation Art. This year it was held at St. James Church, Ormond Beach, allowed me a little time to breath the wonderful salt air and "view the beach".
Got to visit with my artist-ministry friend Ellen Smith, who was there representing the Order of St Luke a christian healing ministry.

Another friend, Randall Bane was there, he directs David's House Ministry out of Orlando. He performs, speaks and teaches--discipling & encouraging those called to serve the Lord through worship arts. He's worked with Paul Wilbur (Messianic Worship Leader), and has a very interesting ministry--theatrical.

I was delighted to visit with directors of Camp Wingmann: Joan and Rev. Bill Yates. Great couple, love the Lord and kids. I spent some time at Wingmann last February (learned to line-dance)...they do a great job of running that beautiful camp in Avon Park, "a great place for kids and Christ to come together".
And every year I see Rev.Richard Kunz...promoting El Hogar Mission, he's doing a great job...Director of a Mission in El Hogar, Honduras. It's a school and orphanage, founded 1979--they provide a loving home and education in a Christian environment for hopelessly poor children. A group from my church went last summer to work down there "on the farm" (I was going to go too...but had to back out, so maybe this year).The Mission said the group was such a big help...but the group said the true blessing was being able to help The Mission...many said "it was an experience of a lifetime". So, it's a wonderful thing...God's at work!
I think over-all, this years "convention-favorite" painting of mine was "Pure Sweet Love" John 16:5-15...sold a lot of prints and limited-edition...spreading the Gospel through art--PTL!

Then back here at home, OOHA the art-marketing group I'm involved with--we have decided to partner- up with one another and work on our goals together...keep each other accountable. Which is a good thing, so many times we procrastinate about "our goals" etc. unless we have someone asking us about them...we need to not just talk about what we're going to do, but "walk our talk". My partner is Jacquelyn Schindehette , she paints beautiful Florida landscapes...many of them Plein-air (where the artist goes and paints on location-"outdoors"), check it out. And I must say Jackie does already "walks her talk".
Matter of fact, Jackie and Mary Verrandeaux , in our group are exhibiting in Mount Dora, FL this weekend at the fabulous outdoor Mount Dora Art Festival...if you've never been, you should...wonderful artwork in a beautiful setting! You'll love it!

Ok I've got canvases to stretch and paintings to paint...I'll "talk at you" next Sunday/Monday.


Monday, January 21, 2008

Methodist Campers

This is a large painting I painted of The First United Methodist Church in Princeton, West Virginia...(years ago) a commissioned piece. Wow what a wonderful building...and so much history there.

I posted it because I gave a presentation for a Methodist group on Friday evening.

Well as I mentioned last night I gave a presentation Friday evening...for the (Florida) Sonshine Chapter of The National United Methodist Campers, this group aids in diaster relief and mission work. They also get together to worship and have fun camping (mostly RV's) all over the USA. I can see how having your own RV would be great when working at areas in need (such as the Applachia). I know my cousin belongs to this group and has been to many states working on homes in need of repair. Most all are retired, and bless many with their time & talent helping others. So it was a pleasure to be their guest.
We had a good turnout--the weather held out--it didn't get cold until it was over. It had poured the rain the day before and after--but not that night! Many were blessed (incuding me), inspired and encouraged...that's what it's all about!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday-blog until Monday

It's Sunday...still I think around 11:30 or later, and I should be posting a new blog.
I have "established" Sunday as my blog-day.
However, I am preparing for a two-day exhibit this weekend...and tonight (what seemed forever) I stretched a large giclee I sold, and it is "way late"--I have fed my little dog and now we have to "git to bed". Oh I had a great presentation Friday evening and will "reflect" more on it tomorrow...sweet dreams ('s cold here--but there is a beautiful full moon--God is with us and all is well).

Sunday, January 13, 2008

2007 Oh my goodness

Oh my goodness, I've been reflecting on 2007 and what's been going on with my art ministry. Last year was a good year. About this time 2007 equine artist and friend Sharon Crute contacted me about being a part of an artist salon based on "artists coach" Alyson B. Stanfield's model of artists coming together for a common cause such as marketing. This has since turned into OOHA (Out of Hand Artists) and we continue to meet: 11 dedicated, hard working artist determined to succeed, supporting & promoting each other. We focus on business & marketing with the emphasis on networking & sales. So it has and is a blessing. Actually it was an answer to prayer, I was like "Lord, I need some artist friends! Some that I can talk about artist-issues with...please send me some to connect with"...and he did. Within a short while Sharon contacted me. Like He says "Ask"...I did and He answered. :)

I sold a lot of art last year...which is GREAT. Probably more than I ever have.

I know one painting that surprised me at it's popularity is "Christ Child" based on Isaiah 11:1-7, an Old Testament scripture, yet it portrays Mary with baby Jesus, it's a painting about prophecy fulfilled--the "promised one" has come! (below)

I painted it, well finished it up, late on December 31st 2006. So I got to work on it over Christmas...which was wonderful! All the Christmas stories were on TV and Christmas music everywhere as I worked on it in my studio...I think I cried on & off through the whole holiday as I painted. It was just so "moving" to paint this "announcement" and at the same time hear this same message being echoed all around me--on TV & in music. I have to admit at some points I had uncontrollable crying, not in a sad way--but in humility and joy. Ahh, my emotions were running was great, I felt so in-tune with the Lord & so honored to paint that piece.

When the Lord first gave me the vision for "Christ Child", I thought "Oh, a Mary & baby Jesus of many out there". However from the minute people first saw it they've been taken with it--drawn to it--bought reproductions--it gives a strong message & people are "moved" by it.
It is a part of an exhibit through ECVA called "Feasts for the Eyes". Then it was on exhibit at Christ Church Cathedral, in Lexington, KY "Art at the Cathedral", also featured on a program for Christmas at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Salt lake City UT.

God always has a plan...I just need to try my best to stay in it :)

Another surprise this year: my painting "The Last Supper" was featured in a video on Trinity TV about Maundy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter--the evening Jesus and his disciples had their last supper together) Trinity Church, Wall Street, NYC contacted me and produced this piece.

Also I had a number of presentations with my art...incuding Women Aglow. This group is dear to my heart. When I first started my art ministry, Revelation Art they were the first group to invite me to give my presentation. Through the years I continue to be invited and everytime I am blessed by their love toward me, and awed by their love & hunger for the Lord...oh, what prayer warriors!

God is good!

I know I have a great year ahead.

I have a presentation and then an exhibit of my work within the next two weeks, so I've got to get back to preparations!

Hope to blog next Sunday!