Thursday, June 5, 2008

Stepping Out Of The Boat Again...In Faith

Wow, I've been away from my blog since February..."amazing" grace has kept me going! I feel as if I've been going full blast much so, that I haven't had 10 min. to sit down and post one thought--but now, ah...Summer's here and things tend to slow down for me "in the good old hot (Florida) summertime", which I welcome. Summer is usually a time when I get to paint, paint, and paint--which is what I love to do. Just me & the HS (plus my little pekingese Wilhelmina...who will be 15 yrs. old in Nov. and is "going strong"). That's just the way I like it...painting, with what I love around me (this includes family, of course).

"Little Miss Willie resting her head on a book"

I've had so much going on...PLUS, as a friend of mine says "in my spare time" I'm studying for my Masters Degree in Theology, and I'm learning SO MUCH...right now one of my classes is the Old Testament (part 1)-Wow! I'll never look at scripture the same...everyday new revelations! I feel my relationship with "God the Creator" is getting more and more's a different relationship than I've ever had with Him. In the awesomeness of who he is....that "little micro spec of a micro spec of dust" that's been revealed to just overwhelming! So, yes, I am truly enjoying my studies...I feel like I'm being fed (I am..."spiritual food")! So, God willing, I'll have my Masters completed by end of next Summer. The "rest is history" cause God already knows the plans He has for me...I don't, but I'm excited!

Oh, and last night the Lord revealed to me the "artist interpretation" for the painting I'm working on right now. As I've been painting this picture I've been thinking, "Wonder what the Lord's wanting to say through this piece...there's not a lot of symbols or hidden little statements in it (like most of my Revelation Art
). Hmm, it will be interesting when He reveals it to me." And that happened last night, wow--what a simple but powerful message! I'm excited to get the painting finished, have giclees/prints available--share it with everyone, glory!

Keep me in your prayers...I have midterms this week :)

So, I'm back to blogging "here and there"...I have a lot more catching up to do, so I'll get back ASAP.

God bless you,


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