Friday, December 11, 2009

Art Exhibit at Starbucks on the Town Square

I will be exhibiting my paintings at Starbucks at Ocala Town Square

Friday, Dec. 11, 2009 from 6 pm to 9 pm.

Don't forget to stop by and enjoy some free coffee samples, snacks,

the beautiful Christmas lights and fine art.

Artwork will be available for purchase.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

God Bless America: Florida Air Patrol

Happy "Independence Day"...proud to say: "one Nation under God, with liberty & justice for all". No other place like it on earth...America, "home of the free & the brave"!
I really like this mixed-media patriotic piece I created. Often I would visit a friend in Palm Island, FL and pelicans were everywhere--flocks always 'cruising': high in the sky or skimming the Gulf water. People would refer to them as The Palm Island Air Patrol. It was 2001, the year of 9-11 when the inspiration came for this patriotic drawing/wc..."God Bless America".

++Small prints are available on my web site: Revelation Art just contact me here or through my web site

Blessings on America,

My reflection: I'm proud to be an American. A Country founded on Judeo-Christian principles, "actively" preserve these roots...pray for America!
Don't be afraid, we are "One Nation Under God"!

Encouragement from Beth Moore: "We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, but frankly we won't if we're too afraid to try". Quote from her book: "Believing God".

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ponce Inlet-NASCAR & Blue Herons

Oh my what a title! First, Ponce Inlet, FL: went to visit a best friend there recently (details in a min.). NASCAR: we had lunch at a historical NASCAR place, North Turn Grille. Great Blue Heron: beautiful large wading birds we see all over Florida. "Blue Heron Heads" posted above is a wonderful small 7" x 7" color-pencil/mixed media piece. A number of years ago I did a whole series of (these small) bird heads, this is the last of the originals. It's posted on my web site: Revelation Art it's shown under "more artworks" $110, great deal (original) for collectors & it's a 'sweet' piece! Actually, I didn't happen to see any Great Blue Herons when I went to Ponce Inlet, however, there were a multitude of white herons of all sizes. A lovely thing about Florida; an abundance of birds!
Ok, on with the story: I went to visit my friend & having never been to Ponce Inlet (short drive) Florida, I was shocked at the Atlantic...the water was "crazy beautiful". It was terribly is a pic (my friend took) of me squinting--but look at the I in Jamaica?! I loved it, never seen the Atlantic look like the Gulf, or Caribbean...had to share it with you!

So Jill, took the picture on the deck of the North Turn, their food was 'amazing good' (yum)! I'm looking forward to going back, Hey, what a great area along the Daytona stretch. Ok the NASCAR history..."Racing's North Turn Grille sits on the exact location where racing history began in Daytona Beach. The Races took place right here on the beach starting in 1936 until World War II and then continued with the first Grand National Race in 1949. These great car races ran each year until 1958, when they were relocated to the brand new Daytona 500 Speedway (off their web site). Lots of photos, memorabilia too, interesting--it's history--check it out :)

One last thing...the Lighthouse: Ponce De Leon Lighthouse you must visit, I've yet to, however maybe I will in the Fall when it's just perfect- not too hot...swimming in the day, sweaters & bonfires at night... (Fall's my favorite...Spring's the same way-- but a little cooler weather...Fav. 1Fall / 2Spring / 3winter / Florida or at the Beach. What Is YOUR favorite season when enjoying the I like it quiet, watch the Sandpipers & walk the beach.
Oh, the Lighthouse, please go, you'll be glad you spent the day's the tallest lighthouse in Florida and the 2nd tallest still standing in it's original spot in the USA (check my reporting, I copied these few lines from their web site)

Be blessed

+The Blue Heron Heads: contact me through here...or my website:
and I'll get it out to you:)

Reflection: "I need Thee, Lord I need Thee, every hour I need Thee" from an old hymn going through my head

Encouragement from Beth Moore: "I am a woman with a human nature heavily given to sin, but I have not lived out of that powerful old nature in a long time. We are making it, God and I, one day at a time." Quote from Beth Moore book, "Believing God"

Monday, June 29, 2009

Florida Citrus: "Orange Ripe and Ready"

Here is painting #2 for my Passion PraiseTM Collection (I mentioned last blog)...capturing "(all) creation at it's peak", as if, shouting praise to God! This 10"x 8" painting was part of the exhibit: "Celebrating Citrus" at Comma Gallery in Orlando last month. Again--as with "Lime Hanging Heavy" (posted below), my reference was "ripe and ready to eat oranges" from a tree in my Dad's backyard! Actually, the lime & orange paintings go perfect together--color, size and frames--on purpose.
The originals are now available, and as prints--contact me here or through my web site . Very shortly my Revelation Art web site will be updated, where I'll have a Passion PraiseTM page--but right now these paintings are only shown on my blog.
Yesterday I received an email: "Please blog more, I want to see more". Hmmm, not sure who the sender was...that request along with the urging of a best friend, "fabulous kim" has convinced me to "get on it"...daily--if possible :) And really--above everything, for the glory of God...
Oh, and take a look at Kim's fabulous blog: Fabulous Alert when you ask the question, where did you get that? It's great--enjoy it!

My reflection: I love painting nature...thank you Lord!
Encouragement from Beth Moore: "The grass is never greener from the other side of the fence. It's nothing but artificial coloring." Quote from Beth Moore book: "When Godly People Do Ungodly Things"

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Celebrating Citrus:"Lime Hanging Heavy"

Ok, it's been some time since I last wrote. I think I just got myself too, too busy--(as you can read in my last blog). School went great last Summer--learned a lot, especially enjoyed the Old Testament classes.
This Summer I plan to take some classes, however not like last year--way too many hours & hours on the computer, reading, researching...and way, too little painting. I'll continue on & eventually get my Masters in Theology (one class at a time).
The greatest learning experience of it all was that I realize I allowed myself to be robbed of so much time from my time with the Lord and my painting, (which I know is my calling), for something I wanted to do--I don't want that to happen again. Getting my Masters is great and wonderful, but I don't think it should take every waking hour (& more) was a convenient distraction from my calling, & from giving "My Utmost For His Highest"--(wonderful book I highly recommend by Oswald Chambers).
Since then I've painted some great commissions, teaching some private lessons to some very talented students--which I'm enjoying, and exhibiting my art.
Which brings me to the present. I've been accepted into the juried show "Celebrating Citrus" at the Comma Gallery in Orlando. The Opening Reception will be held May 12, 6:30-9pm. The exhibit ends June 5th. I invite you and think you would enjoy it. There are some really nice pieces in the exhibit, I hope to see you there!
I've felt led to start a mini collection called "Passion Praise": smaller paintings, depicting creation praising God in it's fullness...a flower in full bloom, juicy fruit heavy in it's ripeness, etc.. Basically portraying nature at it's peak...nature revealing all it was created to be...thus giving glory to God in it's fullness. The very first one I painted happens to be one that will be exhibited at Comma Gallery: "Lime Hanging Heavy" you see posted reference was a very ripe lime hanging on a tree in my Dad's I'll post the painting of a very ripe orange.
These are available as prints too. Just contact me
It's a joy to paint for the Lord!
Well in my Revelation Art, I have 2 paintings available as giclees and prints very soon...I'm looking forward to sharing them with you!
