I sold a lot of art last year...which is GREAT. Probably more than I ever have.
I know one painting that surprised me at it's popularity is "Christ Child" based on Isaiah 11:1-7, an Old Testament scripture, yet it portrays Mary with baby Jesus, it's a painting about prophecy fulfilled--the "promised one" has come! (below)

I painted it, well finished it up, late on December 31st 2006. So I got to work on it over Christmas...which was wonderful! All the Christmas stories were on TV and Christmas music everywhere as I worked on it in my studio...I think I cried on & off through the whole holiday as I painted. It was just so "moving" to paint this "announcement" and at the same time hear this same message being echoed all around me--on TV & in music. I have to admit at some points I had uncontrollable crying, not in a sad way--but in humility and joy. Ahh, my emotions were running high...it was great, I felt so in-tune with the Lord & so honored to paint that piece.
When the Lord first gave me the vision for "Christ Child", I thought "Oh, a Mary & baby Jesus painting...one of many out there". However from the minute people first saw it they've been taken with it--drawn to it--bought reproductions--it gives a strong message & people are "moved" by it.
It is a part of an exhibit through ECVA called "Feasts for the Eyes". Then it was on exhibit at Christ Church Cathedral, in Lexington, KY "Art at the Cathedral", also featured on a program for Christmas at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Salt lake City UT.
God always has a plan...I just need to try my best to stay in it :)
Another surprise this year: my painting "The Last Supper" was featured in a video on Trinity TV about Maundy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter--the evening Jesus and his disciples had their last supper together) Trinity Church, Wall Street, NYC contacted me and produced this piece.
Also I had a number of presentations with my art...incuding Women Aglow. This group is dear to my heart. When I first started my art ministry, Revelation Art they were the first group to invite me to give my presentation. Through the years I continue to be invited and everytime I am blessed by their love toward me, and awed by their love & hunger for the Lord...oh, what prayer warriors!
God is good!
I know I have a great year ahead.
I have a presentation and then an exhibit of my work within the next two weeks, so I've got to get back to preparations!
Hope to blog next Sunday!
When the Lord first gave me the vision for "Christ Child", I thought "Oh, a Mary & baby Jesus painting...one of many out there". However from the minute people first saw it they've been taken with it--drawn to it--bought reproductions--it gives a strong message & people are "moved" by it.
It is a part of an exhibit through ECVA called "Feasts for the Eyes". Then it was on exhibit at Christ Church Cathedral, in Lexington, KY "Art at the Cathedral", also featured on a program for Christmas at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Salt lake City UT.
God always has a plan...I just need to try my best to stay in it :)
Another surprise this year: my painting "The Last Supper" was featured in a video on Trinity TV about Maundy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter--the evening Jesus and his disciples had their last supper together) Trinity Church, Wall Street, NYC contacted me and produced this piece.
Also I had a number of presentations with my art...incuding Women Aglow. This group is dear to my heart. When I first started my art ministry, Revelation Art they were the first group to invite me to give my presentation. Through the years I continue to be invited and everytime I am blessed by their love toward me, and awed by their love & hunger for the Lord...oh, what prayer warriors!
God is good!
I know I have a great year ahead.
I have a presentation and then an exhibit of my work within the next two weeks, so I've got to get back to preparations!
Hope to blog next Sunday!
Lorna, i'm glad you started a blog...i look forward to reading more. i'll be praying for your show over the next few weeks. God bless your work and all you do. Be encouraged. Keep creating! -Lisa
hello there thanks for your grat post, as usual ((o:
J'ai appris des choses interessantes grace a vous, et vous m'avez aide a resoudre un probleme, merci.
- Daniel
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