Ok, it's been some time since I last wrote. I think I just got myself too, too busy--(as you can read in my last blog). School went great last Summer--learned a lot, especially enjoyed the Old Testament classes.
This Summer I plan to take some classes, however not like last year--way too many hours & hours on the computer, reading, researching...and way, too little painting. I'll continue on & eventually get my Masters in Theology (one class at a time).
The greatest learning experience of it all was that I realize I allowed myself to be robbed of so much time from my time with the Lord and my painting, (which I know is my calling), for something I wanted to do--I don't want that to happen again. Getting my Masters is great and wonderful, but I don't think it should take every waking hour (& more)...it was a convenient distraction from my calling, & from giving "My Utmost For His Highest"--(wonderful book I highly recommend by Oswald Chambers).
Since then I've painted some great commissions, teaching some private lessons to some very talented students--which I'm enjoying, and exhibiting my art.
Which brings me to the present. I've been accepted into the juried show "Celebrating Citrus" at the Comma Gallery http://www.commagallery.com/ in Orlando. The Opening Reception will be held May 12, 6:30-9pm. The exhibit ends June 5th. I invite you and think you would enjoy it. There are some really nice pieces in the exhibit, I hope to see you there!
I've felt led to start a mini collection called "Passion Praise": smaller paintings, depicting creation praising God in it's fullness...a flower in full bloom, juicy fruit heavy in it's ripeness, etc.. Basically portraying nature at it's peak...nature revealing all it was created to be...thus giving glory to God in it's fullness. The very first one I painted happens to be one that will be exhibited at Comma Gallery: "Lime Hanging Heavy" you see posted above...my reference was a very ripe lime hanging on a tree in my Dad's backyard...next I'll post the painting of a very ripe orange.
These are available as prints too. Just contact me http://www.revelationart.org/
It's a joy to paint for the Lord!
Well in my Revelation Art, I have 2 paintings available as giclees and prints very soon...I'm looking forward to sharing them with you!
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