I've been exhibiting at theEpiscopal Diocese of Central Florida Annual Convention for a number of years, and it just gets better every year. Seems with each year I know more & more people, it's always good to see them, and share my paintings: Revelation Art. This year it was held at St. James Church, Ormond Beach, FL...so allowed me a little time to breath the wonderful salt air and "view the beach".
Got to visit with my artist-ministry friend Ellen Smith, who was there representing the Order of St Luke a christian healing ministry.
Another friend, Randall Bane was there, he directs David's House Ministry out of Orlando. He performs, speaks and teaches--discipling & encouraging those called to serve the Lord through worship arts. He's worked with Paul Wilbur (Messianic Worship Leader), and has a very interesting ministry--theatrical.
I was delighted to visit with directors of Camp Wingmann: Joan and Rev. Bill Yates. Great couple, love the Lord and kids. I spent some time at Wingmann last February (learned to line-dance)...they do a great job of running that beautiful camp in Avon Park, "a great place for kids and Christ to come together".
And every year I see Rev.Richard Kunz...promoting El Hogar Mission, he's doing a great job...Director of a Mission in El Hogar, Honduras. It's a school and orphanage, founded 1979--they provide a loving home and education in a Christian environment for hopelessly poor children. A group from my church went last summer to work down there "on the farm" (I was going to go too...but had to back out, so maybe this year).The Mission said the group was such a big help...but the group said the true blessing was being able to help The Mission...many said "it was an experience of a lifetime". So, it's a wonderful thing...God's at work!
I think over-all, this years "convention-favorite" painting of mine was "Pure Sweet Love" John 16:5-15...sold a lot of prints and limited-edition...spreading the Gospel through art--PTL!

Then back here at home, OOHA the art-marketing group I'm involved with--we have decided to partner- up with one another and work on our goals together...keep each other accountable. Which is a good thing, so many times we procrastinate about "our goals" etc. unless we have someone asking us about them...we need to not just talk about what we're going to do, but "walk our talk". My partner is Jacquelyn Schindehette , she paints beautiful Florida landscapes...many of them Plein-air (where the artist goes and paints on location-"outdoors"), check it out. And I must say Jackie does already "walks her talk".
Matter of fact, Jackie and Mary Verrandeaux , in our group are exhibiting in Mount Dora, FL this weekend at the fabulous outdoor Mount Dora Art Festival...if you've never been, you should...wonderful artwork in a beautiful setting! You'll love it!
Ok I've got canvases to stretch and paintings to paint...I'll "talk at you" next Sunday/Monday.